Linux Advanced Command And Unix linux difference.
Command Syntax Discription
1.Grep: grep [options] pattern file Search for patterns in files and output lines containing matches.
2.awk: awk '{print $1}' file A versatile text processing tool for pattern scanning and processing.
3.find: find /path/to/search -name "filename". Search for files and directories within a directory hierarchy.
4.chmod: chmod [options] mode file. Change file permissions.
5.chown: chown [options] user:group file Change file ownership.
6.sort: sort [options] [file] Sort lines of text files.
7.head: head [options] [file] Output the first part of files
8.tail: tail [option] [file] Output the last part of files. free [options] Display amount of free and used memory in the system.
10.kill: kill [options] <pid>... Send signals to processes.
Difference Between Unix and Linux